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    來源:http://www.101youhui.com 日期:2024-02-08 發布人:創始人


    1. The range hood machine equipment is not secure.

    假如吸油煙機的部位不勻稱,螺釘松脫,零件掉下來,使實際操作與支撐架造成共震并造成噪聲,這時必須再次安裝吸油煙機或零件,而且準備好部位費用預算,以保證 機器設備恰當。

    If the parts of the range hood are uneven, the screws are loose, and the parts fall off, causing resonance and noise between the actual operation and the support frame, the range hood or parts must be reinstalled, and a budget for the parts must be prepared to ensure that the machine equipment is appropriate.


    2. The check valve equipment is incorrect.


    比如,本產品的常見故障和爆出很有可能造成 排煙系統實際效果不佳。廚房油煙很有可能會在管道和本產品中造成共震,或是氣旋很有可能會遭受影響,進而非常容易造成噪聲。這時,應再次安裝逆止閥或拆換新的逆止閥。

    For example, common malfunctions and explosions of this product are likely to cause poor actual performance of the smoke exhaust system. Kitchen fumes are likely to cause co vibration in pipes and this product, or cyclones are likely to be affected, which can easily cause noise. At this point, the check valve should be reinstalled or replaced with a new check valve.


    3. Impeller blade deformation, equipment error.

    因為長期性應用,葉輪附帶很多的油漬,造成 不平衡?;蛟S一部分葉子破裂會造成 噪聲進攻。這時,應按時清理吸油煙機,必需時要拆換葉輪。

    Due to long-term application, the impeller comes with a lot of oil stains, causing imbalance. Perhaps some of the broken leaves will cause noise attacks. At this time, the range hood should be cleaned on time, and if necessary, the impeller should be replaced.


    The above article is shared by Shandong Gaoshi Ventilation Pipeline Engineering Co., Ltd. Shandong Ventilation Pipeline. For more content, please follow us: http://www.101youhui.com



    • 廚房排煙
    • 廚房排煙
    • 軸流風機
    • 不銹鋼制品


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